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Set Families Free
Once a family is set free, in this particular situation, they are given housing, food and clothing for a couple of months by the churches free of charge. The number one objective is to find them a job with a living wage so that they can support themselves. Most of the brick kiln slaves in the Middle East and South Asia are Christians. Christians already have difficulty finding good jobs in the Middle East and South Asia. A family that is set free from the brick kiln has often developed a very strong work ethic. If economic slavery is to end in the Middle East and South Asia, families who have been set free from the slavery are the tip of the spear in advocating for that change, as their testimony carries a lot of weight. By giving here, you are enabling us to have funds ready for when a family in dire needs comes onto the radar. From time to time we will post specific families that need freedom. If you would like to give to a specific familiy, you can click "Free Me!" on the menu bar and give to a specific family's freedom.
The harvest is ripe in in the Middle East and South Asia and we are seeing tens of thousands of people place their faith in Christ through open air meetings ranging from a few hundred people to over 75,000 people in a single meeting. You can give directly to help fund the advancement of the Gospel through Evangelism.