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Please Free Me!

R and S and Two Young Children

Family: Father, Mother, two sons

Loan Amount: $2,420

Years in Slavery: 7 Years

Situation: Took a loan to pay for birth of child. They have struggled having enough food to eat.


A and S and Three Children

Family: Father, Mother, three sons

Loan Amount: $2,491

Years in Slavery: 9 Years

Situation: Father was disabled for six months and out of work. Family took a loan and could not repay.


I want to give monthly to set families free from slavery in Pakistan!

We have families coming on the radar regularly that need set free from slavery.  Your ongoing support helps us to have the available funds necessary to set these families free quickly when the need arises. If you would like to give on a recurring basis (weekly, monthly, quarterly), please click on "Give Now".

P and S and Three Young Children

Family: Father, Mother, two sons and daughter

Loan Amount: $2,640

Years in Slavery: 10

Situation: Took a loan to pay for deliver of child.


S and N and Two Young Children

Family: Father, Mother, two sons

Loan Amount: $2,360

Years in Slavery: 9

Situation: Took a loan to pay for medical bills for broken arm. Father having trouble making bricks because of arm. Owner abuses them.


A, Grandfather, Mother, Two Children

Family: Father, Grandfather, Mother, Boy and Girl

Loan Amount: $2,350

Years in Slavery: 27 Years

Situation: Grandfather had a heart attack and the family took a loan and could not repay it. 


A and S and Two Young Children

Family: Father, Mother, son and daughter

Loan Amount: $2,155

Years in Slavery: Over 8

Situation: Took a loan to pay for his mother's sickness prior to her death.


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